US: Arab Peace Initiative is no longer necessary
Lebanon’s Hariri to form government of specialists
US issues fresh Iran-related sanctions
Iraqi Forces, Protesters Clash in Baghdad, Injuries on Both Sides
US sanctions Iran ambassador to Iraq
Israel attacks Turkey, renews full support for Greece
Libya rivals sign ceasefire deal in Geneva
Lebanon: Hariri to head government with majority of parliament votes
Russian airstrike injures 5 civilians in Syria's Idlib
Iraq discovers mass grave of Daesh victims in Kirkuk
UN arms embargo ends against Iran
Pandemic kills 30 in Oman, 26 in Libya
Lebanon protesters' euphoria gives way to despair
Coronavirus: Israel to ease second lockdown after cases decline
Lebanon: Hariri set to withdraw candidacy for premiership
Jordan: Calls for death penalty intensify after gruesome attack on boy
Covid-19 cases climb above 330,000 per day worldwide
Iraq reshuffles military chiefs amid escalation of Daesh groups in Triangle of Death
Four dead, several injured in Beirut fuel tank explosion
Lebanon’s Hariri warns of civil war