Iraq reshuffles military chiefs amid escalation of Daesh groups in Triangle of Death

  • 2020-10-10 21:32:16
  Iraq’s Ministry of Defence has appointed a new military commander to assume responsibility of security issues in the Diyala Governorate. Member of parliamentarian Security and Defence Committee Abdul-Khaliq Al-Azzawi told Anadolu Agency that the defence minister had appointed Major General Adnan Al-Enezi to succeed Major General Saleh Nasser in running the security file in Diyala. Al-Azzawi confirmed that the commander took up his new responsibilities on Friday, issuing no explanation for the reshuffle. The changes came amidst escalation of armed groups in the “Triangle of Death”, an area between the Diyala, Kirkuk and Salahuddin governorates. The armed groups are expected to be Daesh affiliates. In August, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi appointed Major General Raad Lijbour as the new commander to succeed Major General Ghassan Al-Azzi, who was ousted from his post. In 2017, Iraq announced victory over Daesh after reclaiming all the lands occupied by the extremist armed group. However, Daesh still maintains silent cells in wide areas across the country and continues to carry out attacks.  
