Delhi office fire: Dozens killed as fire sweeps through building

  • 2022-05-14 15:12:48
At least 27 people have been killed and others are missing after a fire swept through a four-storey office building in Delhi. More than 70 people were inside when the fire started and witnesses said some jumped out of windows to escape. Women made up the majority of the office's workers. The BBC found distraught family members waiting outside a local hospital for news.A short circuit is thought to have started the fire. Two brothers who owned a CCTV manufacturing company which was housed in the building have been arrested in connection with the incident, according to authorities. Police are also seeking to talk to the owner of the building. One of the women missing is 19-year-old Pooja, who is her family's main bread winner. At the Sanjay Ghandi Memorial Hospital in western Delhi, her 14-year-old sister Moni told the AFP her and her mother had run to the hospital as soon as they had heard about the fire. "She had gone to office at nine in the morning. She worked as data entry operator. She didn't have her phone, so, she couldn't give us a call." Her mother stood completely silent next to her younger daughter, unable to speak. Moni asked how her family would survive without her sister if she was not found alive.There were more than 100 others like Pooja in the office on Friday. Ismail ran to the burning building after his 21-year-old sister, Muskan, phoned him from inside. "I saw her trapped in the building as I reached there. I told her to escape by the rear door," he said. But he has not heard from her since. Ismail and his relatives have gone looking for her in every hospital. He even went into the burnt-out building after the fire was extinguished, injuring his hand on broken glass, in the hope of finding her. "We are tired now searching for her but getting no clues. We wish that we could have saved her," Ismail said.
