Ethiopia Tigray crisis: Abiy issues ‘ultimatum’ as civilians flee fighting

  • 2020-11-18 01:30:13
Ethiopia's prime minister has said a military operation against rebel forces in the northern Tigray region is entering its "final phase". Abiy Ahmed said a three-day deadline given for Tigray's forces to surrender had now expired. Hundreds of people have reportedly died in nearly two weeks of clashes between the rebels and the federal army. At least 27,000 people have fled to Sudan. The UN has said a "full-scale humanitarian crisis" is unfolding. Getting information from Tigray is hard as there is a virtual communications blackout. Fighting broke out on 4 November after Ethiopia's central government accused the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), a political party which controls Tigray, of holding an illegal election and attacking a military base to steal weapons. The TPLF has denied the attack. In response, Mr Abiy ordered a military offensive against forces loyal to the regional government of Tigray, accusing them of treason. He said that "the last red line had been crossed". The TPLF sees the central government as illegitimate, arguing Mr Abiy does not have a mandate to lead the country after postponing national elections because of coronavirus.  
