Poland abortion ruling sparks 'women's strike'

  • 2020-10-28 14:28:32
A strike is under way in Poland by women opposed to a court ruling that introduced a near-total ban on abortion in the mainly Catholic country. It is the seventh straight day of demonstrations against the decision that outlawed terminations on the grounds of severe health defects. Scuffles erupted in parliament on Tuesday with opposition MPs carrying signs saying "This is war" and "Shame". The powerful ruling party leader said the decision could not be reversed. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, who is also the deputy prime minister and widely considered to be the country's real powerbroker, said the protests were an attempt to "destroy" Poland. He urged people to "defend" the nation as well as the Catholic Church. Last Thursday's ruling by the Constitutional Court closed one of the few remaining legal grounds for abortion in Poland, and followed a legal challenge by MPs from the ruling nationalist Law and Justice party (Pis) last year. The decision means terminations are only valid in cases of rape or incest, or to protect the mother's life. The ruling cannot be appealed against but only comes into force after it is published in the journal of laws, AFP news agency reports. It is not clear when that will happen. A opinion poll conducted for Gazeta Wyborcza suggested that 59% of those surveyed disagreed with the ruling.
