Amy Coney Barrett: Trump US Supreme Court pick faces fresh questioning

  • 2020-10-14 19:56:23
Donald Trump's nominee for the US Supreme Court is facing more tough questions in a Senate hearing, a day after sidestepping some key issues. Amy Coney Barrett has insisted she will decide cases as they arrive and not apply a personal agenda. Democrats have failed to draw her on issues like abortion, healthcare and LGBTQ rights and on Wednesday she again declined any "hypothetical" questions. Republicans are pressing to confirm her before the 3 November election. Judge Barrett is the proposed replacement for liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died last month aged 87. The appointment is lifelong. Her confirmation would give the nine-member court a 6-3 conservative majority, swinging the ideological balance of the court for potentially decades to come. Wednesday is the third day of the hearing, being conducted by the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the second in which Judge Barrett has faced questions from senators. Each senator gets 20 minutes for one-on-one questioning with the judge.
