Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel PM defiant in face of 'coup'

  • 2019-11-22 11:08:56
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has defiantly vowed to hold on to power after being charged with bribery, fraud and breach of trust in connection with three separate cases. He condemned the charges as a "coup" attempt against him. "I will not let the lie triumph," he said during a defiant speech. Mr Netanyahu is alleged to have accepted gifts from wealthy businessmen and dispensed favours to try to get more positive press coverage. "I will continue to lead the country, according to the letter of the law," he added. During a 15-minute tirade, Mr Netanyahu accused the judiciary, police and others of plotting against him with "politically motivated" allegations. "In this tainted process the investigators weren't after the truth, they were after me," he said, accusing investigators of extorting witnesses to lie. Earlier, Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit said he made the decision "with a heavy heart", but said it showed nobody was above the law in Israel. "Law enforcement is not a choice. It is not a matter of right or left. It's not a matter of politics," he said. The announcement comes amid a political stand-off in Israel following two inconclusive general elections in April and September. On Wednesday, Mr Netanyahu's rival for the premiership, Benny Gantz, said he had been unable to form a governing coalition with a majority in parliament. He had been given the opportunity to try after Mr Netanyahu had earlier failed to do so. President Reuven Rivlin asked lawmakers on Thursday to agree on a candidate for prime minister within 21 days and avoid an unprecedented third election in a year. After the charges were announced, Mr Gantz tweeted his support for the attorney general and law enforcement agencies, and wrote it was "a very sad day" for Israel.
