Lebanese MP issues urgent Italian sea-rescue plea

  • 2022-09-05 16:35:50
A Lebanese MP has appealed to Rome to rescue 70 Lebanese migrants who were on board a boat that broke down off the coasts of Malta and Italy. Deputy Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi, former director of the Internal Security Forces, tweeted: “We appeal to Italy, the friendly country of Lebanon, to take the initiative to rescue 70 Lebanese migrants stuck in their primitive and disabled boat off the Maltese and Italian coasts, after they threw themselves into the sea fleeing Lebanon.” Two children have reportedly died in the waters that fall within the Maltese search-and-rescue area, according to a group of migrants who left Lebanon 10 days ago and informed the local emergency hotline. Alarm Phone, the NGO running the hotline, could not confirm the situation, but said it was “worried” about the reports, the Times of Malta reported. The migrants have been drifting in distress since the boat fell into trouble. The NGO said the migrants had no food or water left on the ship, which it added was sinking, with some migrants going overboard amid the declining situation. Alarm Phone said Malta’s government had refused to authorize a rescue operation, putting the migrants’ lives in danger. Rifi said the Lebanese government must now rely on Italy’s support to ensure the migrants are saved. “We call on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Lebanese Embassy in Rome to make quick contacts to avoid a new tragedy,” he tweeted.
