Amman coordination meeting to support the Middle East peace process concluded

  • 2020-09-25 16:43:31
The foreign ministers of Jordan, Egypt, France and Germany on Thursday held talks here to maintain coordination and consultation on ways to support the Middle East peace process to achieve a just, comprehensive and lasting peace. In a joint statement at the conclusion of the multilateral meeting, the top diplomats affirmed commitment to support all efforts aimed at achieving a just, lasting and comprehensive peace that meets the legitimate rights of all parties, on the basis of international law, relevant United Nations resolutions and agreed upon references, including the Arab Peace Initiative. The ministers agreed that settlements construction and expansion and confiscation of Palestinian property breach international law, undermine the two-state solution. In this regard, the ministers call on the conflict parties to fully implement Security Council Resolution 2334 and all its provisions. With reference to the joint statement issued by the ministers' meeting on 7/7/2020, the top dimplats were informed that annexation of Palestinian lands is "frozen" after the United Arab Emirates and Israel announced a decision to normalize ties, affirming the annexation must be "stopped permanently." Resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on the basis of the two-state solution is the basis for achieving comprehensive peace, the ministers noted. The ministers also stressed the importance of the peace agreements signed between the Arab countries and Israel, including the two recently inked accords between the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain with Israel, to contribute to resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on the basis of the two-state solution, in a bid to achieve comprehensive and lasting peace. Reiterating the essential role of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), the ministers sressed the need to continue providing the financial and political support it needs to carry out its mandate in accordance with UN decisions and provide its vital services to refugees. Ending the stalemate in peace negotiations, creating political horizons, and restoring hope through serious negotiations must be a priority, the statement pointed out. The ministers also voiced the necessity to resume "serious and effective" negotiations on the basis of international law and the terms of reference agreed upon directly between the conflict parties, or under the umbrella of the United Nations, including the International Quartet, to achieve this peace. The ministers called on all parties to abide by previous agreements and start "serious" talks on their basis. The Covid-19 pandemic, the ministers said, has revealed the need for peace and cooperation is "more urgent than ever," they said, affirming willingness to continue to work together with all parties concerned to resume these negotiations. Egypt, France, Germany and Jordan will continue their active engagement and good endeavors to create favorable conditions and their targeted efforts to create the necessary conditions for the resumption of serious negotiations and to achieve the required progress towards achieving the just and comprehensive peace that the region's peoples deserve, according to the joint statement. The meeting was attended by the European Union Special Representative for the Peace Process.
